- 1962: Operation Northwoods
- 1993: Defense Strategy for the 1990s, Dick Cheney
- 1994: The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflicts Short of War
- 2000: Rebuilding America’s Defenses, The Project for a New American Century
- 2001: Memo: Bin Laden Determined to Strike, August 2001
- 2001: Memorandum for Condoleezza Rice from Richard A. Clarke, January 25, 2001
- 2001: Patriot Act
- 2001: 9-11: Noam Chomsky
- 2001: The New War Against Terror, Noam Chomsky
- 2002: America Still Unprepared, The Council on Foreign Relations
- 2003: Grillfire Affidavit
- 2003: Domestic Security Enhancement Act
- 2004: The 9-11 Commission Report
- 2004: HR10: 9-11 Recommendations Act
- 2004: Abundant and Compelling Evidence, David Ray Griffin
- 2004: The New Pearl Harbor, David Ray Griffin
- 2005: Thinking About Conspiracy Theories: 9-11 and JFK, James Fetzer
- 2005: 9-11 and the American Empire, David Ray Griffin
- 2006: Military Commissions Act
- 2006: WTC7: A Short Computation, Kenneth L. Kutter
- 2006: Intersecting Facts and Theories on 9-11, Joseph Firmage